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It seems like it's a crime to be an immigrant

Imagine if there were a general strike of all immigrants living in Portugal? The country would come to a standstill. Imagine if everyone with some immigrant ancestry left the country? Would there still be a Lusitanian nation? When you think about it, it is very contradictory to have marches against immigration in a country that was and still is built by immigrants. Both those from there who migrate here and those from here who migrate there. Portugal has always been borderless. It was like that when it launched its caravels overseas.

What if immigrants are replaced by robots?

Will the machines and robots that will replace humans in many roles in the near future also pay taxes? Will they make social security contributions? Immigrants contribute a lot.

The anti-immigration speeches spread across Europe and led by the voices of leaders of far-right parties, who understand more than anyone the power of social media, sell the idea that “ immigrants are stealing jobs  from nationals”.

The number of illegal immigrants in Europe has remained the same for 16 years and represents less than 1% of the population The number of illegal immigrants in Europe has remained the same for 16 years and represents less than 1% of the population

The number of illegal immigrants in Europe has remained the same for 16 years and represents less than 1% of the population
A study indicates that the illegal immigrant population has remained stable since 2008 and is less than 1% of the population. It has increased in Portugal because it suffered a decline during the last crisis. Current figures are in line with 2002.

Portugal needs 138,000 new immigrants per year to gain wealth, study reveals

Research by the Faculty of Economics (FEP) of the University of Porto shows what number is needed for the country to enter the group of the richest members of the European Union by 2030.

The argument that Portugal needs immigrants to fill the country's job market is nothing new. Every year, reports and studies show this need. Now, the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP) has discovered another argument: the need to improve the country's position in the European Union (EU) wealth ranking.

Agriculture and fishing industory in Portugal has 41% of foreign workers

Portugal is increasingly culturally diverse. Around 800,000 foreigners live in Portugal (including foreigners with legal resident status), a figure that has doubled in 10 years. Brazil is the main country of origin for immigrants. Countries such as the United Kingdom, Cape Verde, Romania and India follow, for example.

What are the modifications to the Portuguese nationality law in 2024?

Previously, under Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the nationality law, individuals looking to secure Portuguese nationality through naturalization were required to hold residency in Portugal for a minimum of five years, among other requirements. The initiation of the five-year period for nationality application was contingent upon the issuance of the initial residency permit.  

What is the role of AIMA/SEF in Portugal

AIMA, or the Agency for Integration, Migration, and Asylum in Portugal, stands as a pivotal institution guiding and overseeing Portugal's approach to immigration, integration, and asylum matters. Established to address the growing needs and challenges of a diverse immigrant population, AIMA plays a crucial role in fostering inclusivity, managing migration flows, and supporting those seeking refuge within Portuguese borders.

AIMA's Mandate and Objectives

Navigating the Immigration Process in Portugal: A Comprehensive Guide


Portugal, renowned for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and welcoming culture, has emerged as a popular destination for immigrants worldwide. Whether you're seeking new opportunities, a higher quality of life, or simply a change of scenery, understanding the immigration process is key to making a smooth transition. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of immigration options, procedures, and essential tips for a successful relocation to Portugal.

1. Types of Visas and Residency Permits:

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