Portugal News

Applications for Portuguese citizenship increase 250%

Company specialized in immigration confirms the flood of accumulated processes in the Central Records of Portugal

More than 1,700 immigrants await the result of applications for Portuguese citizenship made by the company specialized in immigration Citizenship4U.

The total represents an increase of more than 250% in a year. In January 2024, the company was responsible for 482 citizenship processes filed in Portugal.

This movement is verified in other companies specialized and directly in the Central Registry Office, which concentrates the processes.

Asylum applications in Portugal fell by 13% in 2024

Last year, almost 2,300 asylum requests were registered in Portugal, which represents a reduction of 13% compared to 2023.

According to the newspaper Público , which cites data from the Portuguese Council for Refugees, the decline was related to the routes of migratory flows and international crises.

In 2024 there were applicants of 78 nationalities, from countries such as Afghanistan, Venezuela or Senegal.

Only 39% of Portuguese people are in favor of immigration, study finds

Portugal is one of the few countries in Western Europe that considers immigration, including the entry of foreign workers into the country, as something positive. This is the opinion of 39% of Portuguese people, according to the most recent global survey by the Gallup International Association (GIA), carried out by Intercampus at a national level.

AIMA sends 76,000 notifications of rejection of immigrant regularization requests

In total, of the 446 thousand pending processes, around 10 thousand residence permit cards have already been issued, after the investigation was completed.

The Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA)  will notify 76,000 immigrants in the coming days that their requests for regularization have been rejected, in a first package of notifications of this type, the president of the institution announced today.

Family reunification of immigrants will continue to be restricted and with a vacancy system

Family reunification of immigrants, as provided for by law, remains a priority for the current government, but with limitations. This was stated by Rui Armindo Freitas, Deputy Secretary of State for the Presidency. In an interview with Diário de Notícias, he admitted that "it is a right that requires regulation".

According to the Secretary of State, the vacancy system will continue, that is, there will be no full access to the right. "8,500 vacancies have been created, but we are doing a difficult job, which is to first find out what capacity Portugal has," he said.

CPLP immigrants will receive an email with instructions this Friday

Starting today (14) immigrants with a residence permit from the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries will be given guidance on how to renew their documents. 

In this correspondence, you will be sent a link to the portal, where you will need to revalidate your account, change your password and log in again. The website will have a button that says "pay" to generate the Single Collection Document (DUC) for the amount of 56.89 euros. Then, simply make the payment within the period specified in the email.

Renewals will be resolved "shortly" and contact center with AIMA is guaranteed, says secretary

In an interview with Diário de Notícias/DN Brasil, the Deputy Secretary of State for the Presidency, Rui Armindo Freitas, answers some of the questions that most concern immigrants in Portugal.

Specifically, why are residence permit renewals no longer carried out via the website? It was a service that came from the old SEF and was one of the few things that worked very well. 

PRR will finance two temporary centers for immigrants in Odivelas and the North

The construction of two temporary centers to accommodate irregular immigrants will cost 30 million. Funding is provided by the PRR. The lack of centers explains the lack of repatriations.

The Government has approved the construction of two temporary accommodation centres for illegal immigrants, which will cost 30 million euros and will be financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) . One will be located in Odivelas and the other further north, and both will have the capacity to accommodate 300 immigrants.

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