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Portugal News

Chega's proposal for a referendum on immigration rejected with votes against from all other parties

 It was a foretold outcome, since when the project was debated on Wednesday, the parties spoke out against it and harshly criticized Chega's proposal.

Chega's initiative to hold a referendum on the introduction of quotas for the entry of immigrants into the country was rejected this Friday, with all parties voting against, with the exception of the proponent. 

Chega left alone in the parliament while defending its initiative to hold a referendum on immigration,

The proposal, which was classified as "garbage" by the PCP, will be rejected in the votes on Friday. It is accused of spreading myths and lies about immigrants

Chega was left alone this Wednesday in defending its initiative to hold a referendum on immigration, with the other parties harshly criticizing the proposal, which was even classified as "rubbish" by the PCP.

Applying for Portuguese Nationality: Counting Legal Residence from Expression of Interest Submission

The 10th modification to the Nationality Law approved by Parliament leaves loopholes for contestation in the cases of length of residence. Expert says law approved in Parliament is generic and demands details for new concession criteria. So far the regulamentation law has not been published by the current government and many people are waiting for this to happen. 

Minister of the Presidency announces 15 service centers for immigrants

Immigrant service centers will open in Braga and Porto.

The Minister of the Presidency announced this Wednesday that, in the coming weeks, 15 service centers of the Mission Structure of the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) will be operating in different locations across the country.

“This month we will have the mission structure operating in 15 locations across the country”, said António Leitão Amaro, in the parliamentary committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees, where he is being heard.

Montenegro wants to prioritize regulation and family grouping in immigration policy

Montenegro wants to prioritize regulation and family grouping in immigration policy

Prime Minister highlighted the reinforcement of regulatory support services.

The Prime Minister stated this Wednesday that the Portuguese Government's main objective is to prioritize regulation and family reunification in immigration policy, considering that family unity favors subsequent social integration in national territory.

Irregular immigrants with 12 social security contributions (taxes) will be able to apply for residence permit

The measure does not come into effect immediately and requires further voting and bureaucratic procedures.

A transitional regime for immigrants who were unable to enter with the expression of interest and already have a Social Security number was approved in its first phase today (11) . The bill is from the Liberal Initiative (IL) and is the first step in a long bureaucratic process, and is not an automatic one.

Ombudsman says 40% of all complaints received are from immigrants

Maria Lúcia Amaral indicated in Parliament that the complaints are due to the slowness of services, bureaucracy and lack of reception conditions

The Ombudsman said this Thursday, in Parliament, that with the extinction of the Foreigners and Borders Service and the creation of the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) there are 40% of complaints from immigrants.

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