اگر آپ کارڈز کے لئے 90 روز زائد سے انتظار کر رہے ہیں تو یہ پوسٹ اہم ہے
آرٹیکل 82 کے تحت سیف پر لازم ہے کہ وہ پہلے کارڈ کا فیصلہ 90 دن کے اندر کرے جبکہ ری نیول کا فیصلہ 60 دن کے اندر کرے بصورت دیگر اس فیصلے کو امیدوار کے حق میں قرار دیا جائیگا۔ جو لوگ اپنے کارڈز کا انتظار کر رہے ہیں انہیں چاہئے کہ اس آرٹیکل کا حوالہ دے کر سیف کو وکلاء کی مدد سے باضابطہ طور پر خط لکھیں۔
If you are waiting for TRC and 90 days has passed, you are by law eligible to get TRC wihtout any further delay. Article 82 of the constitution gives you right to get decision with in 90 days for first card and with in 60 days for renewals. Please ask SEF in writing with the help of a lawyer to reply you based on this article.
Article 82 – Decision and notification
1 — The application for granting a residence permit must be decided within 90 days.
2 — The application for renewal of a residence permit must be decided within 60 days.
3 — In the absence of a decision within the period provided for in the previous number, for reasons not attributable to the applicant, the application is deemed to have been granted, and the residence permit is issued immediately.
4 — The decision of rejection is notified to the interested party, with an indication of the grounds, as well as the right of judicial challenge and the respective deadline, a copy being sent to the Advisory Board .
Artigo 82.º – Decisão e notificação
1 — O pedido de concessão de autorização de residência deve ser decidido no prazo de 90 dias.
2 — O pedido de renovação de autorização de residência deve ser decidido no prazo de 60 dias.
3 — Na falta de decisão no prazo previsto no número anterior, por causa não imputável ao requerente, o pedido entende-se como deferido, sendo a emissão do título de residência imediata.
4 — A decisão de indeferimento é notificada ao interessado, com indicação dos fundamentos, bem como do direito de impugnação judicial e do respetivo prazo, sendo enviada cópia ao Conselho Consultivo.
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