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Applying for Portuguese Nationality: Counting Legal Residence from Expression of Interest Submission

The 10th modification to the Nationality Law approved by Parliament leaves loopholes for contestation in the cases of length of residence. Expert says law approved in Parliament is generic and demands details for new concession criteria. So far the regulamentation law has not been published by the current government and many people are waiting for this to happen. 

If you're considering applying for Portuguese nationality based on your legal residence status, it's important to understand the role of the "Certidão de Contagem de Tempo" (Certificate of Legal Time) issued by AIMA (Autoridade para as Migrações e Asilo).

How to Request a Certificate of Legal Time (Certidão de Contagem de Tempo)

To confirm your legal status in Portugal, you can request this certificate from AIMA. The certificate will state the specific date from which you are considered legally resident in the country. In many cases, this date coincides with when you submitted your "Manifestação de Interesse" (Expression of Interest) to SEF (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras). However, this document alone is not enough for a nationality application.

Is the "Expression of Interest" Document Enough for Nationality Application?

No, submitting just the "Expression of Interest" form to SEF is not sufficient to apply for Portuguese nationality. This is because the law regulating nationality through this process has not yet been fully implemented, even though it has been approved by Parliament.

Importance of the AIMA Certificate for Nationality Applications

What is crucial for a nationality application is the confirmation of your legal residence. AIMA's certificate serves this purpose by officially stating when you have been legal in Portugal. The date on this certificate is often the date you initially submitted your Expression of Interest, which is counted as your legal start date. This document can then be used to support your nationality application, as it provides the legal residency timeline required by law.


To apply for Portuguese nationality, you need to request the Certidão de Contagem de Tempo from AIMA. This certificate confirms your legal residence in Portugal, including the time counted from when you "locked" your file with SEF through the Expression of Interest. This is a crucial document to prove your legal status for nationality purposes.