Everything You Need to Know About SEF in Portugal - Immigration Services & Updates

Welcome to Your Complete Guide on SEF in Portugal

Navigating the immigration process in Portugal can be a complex task. The Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF), or Foreigners and Borders Service (now AIMA), is the primary government body responsible for controlling the entry and stay of foreign nationals in Portugal. Whether you are applying for a visa, seeking a residency permit, or checking your application status, understanding how SEF works is crucial.

How to enroll children in day care centers and schools in Portugal

Enrolling their children in the school network is one of the main concerns of families who move with children to Portugal. The right to education is guaranteed to everyone, regardless of the legal guardian's regularization status, such as parents, for example. In the country, the law stipulates that school attendance is not mandatory until the age of five. However, many mothers and fathers choose to enroll their children in order to dedicate themselves to their professional lives.

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