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Portugal Citizenship Law Changes, March 5, 2024 Updat

Nationality Law published, Nationality time will be counted from the date of request of resident card.


Portugal’s Citizenship Law is approved and has been published in the Diário da República. Following the decision of the Portuguese Constitutional Court, the Portuguese President approved the Portuguese Citizenship Law. The new change will benefit thousands of immigrants in Portugal, as in mid-January, the Portuguese Parliament approved this amendment to Article 15 of the Portuguese Nationality Law, which arrived to redefine the counting of the residence period for nationality requests, and it was promulgated on February 24th by the President of Portugal, Marcelo Reblo de Souza.


Here is the exact wording that has been published in the Diário da República:.


\"Or, for the purposes of counting legal residence periods provided for in this law, the time elapsed since the moment the temporary residence permit was requested is also considered, as long as it is granted.\"


\r\nWith the new wording, it is intended that the time since the submission of the residence application will also be counted towards the application for Portuguese nationality, which will in fact benefit thousands of immigrants who are currently waiting to receive their residence permit before being able to start counting the period required in the country of at least five years.