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Portugal News

Academics concerned about rising violence against immigrants

The Judicial Police arrested on Thursday the suspect of two crimes of attempted murder and two crimes of discrimination and incitement to hatred in Porto.

The attacks on immigrants in the city of Porto this week are worrying academics linked to the issue of migration, who criticize the actions of the media and politicians who dehumanize those who arrive in Portugal.

Politicians, former judges and lawyers: US NGO identifies more than ten Portuguese people at far-right conferences in Europe

The North American non-governmental organization (NGO) Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE), which monitors the activities of the so-called extreme right around the world, identified more than ten Portuguese people, including politicians, lawyers, former judges and academics as headliners at conferences held in Europe between 2000 and 2024 .

Government says immigration is decreasing in Portugal

The Deputy Secretary of State for the Presidency, Rui Armindo Freitas, reports, in an interview with TSF and Diário de Notícias, that, three months after the end of the expressions of interest, results are already being seen.

The Government says that immigration in Portugal is decreasing and that a reduction in the migratory flow throughout the country is already evident.

More than 1,300 people from a hundred collectives send a letter to Marcelo and Montenegro demanding measures to combat hatred against immigrants

More than 1,300 people, supported by around 100 collectives, have signed a public letter addressed to various political figures and institutions in Portugal, calling for concrete actions to stop the growing hate speech against immigrants.

SOS Racismo calls for measures to combat xenophobic violence against migrants

Asks the police and justice system to act with “speed and rigor”

SOS Racismo on Thursday called on political decision-makers to take a “clear and responsible” position to prevent and combat xenophobic violence, and on the police and justice system to act with “speed and rigor” against those who attack migrant citizens.

Researcher calls for campaigns to combat “false perceptions” about immigrants

Researcher Catarina Reis de Oliveira, from the Migration Observatory, today called for greater efforts from authorities to demystify stereotypes associated with immigrants and “combat these false perceptions” that stigmatize them.

In a week in which attacks on immigrants in Porto are in the news, Catarina Reis de Oliveira highlighted that “statistical evidence” does not link immigrants with crime and that Portugal does not have a high number of foreign citizens compared to the European average.

Man arrested for stabbing immigrants and uttering racist insults in Porto

Suspect, 26 years old, attacked two people in the same morning at different times.

A 26-year-old man was arrested by the Judicial Police (PJ), in the early hours of this Thursday, in Porto, on suspicion of having stabbed two foreigners in attacks motivated by racism.

The detainee is suspected of two crimes of attempted qualified homicide, two crimes of discrimination and incitement to hatred and violence and one crime of robbery, committed in the early hours of Tuesday.

The two stabbings occurred at different but successive times on the public highway.

Openness to immigrants does justice to Portuguese identity, says Patriarch of Lisbon

The patriarch of Lisbon today defended, "to do justice" to the identity of the Portuguese people, the opening of society to immigrants, who today do what many Portuguese did in the past.

"I think, even to do justice to what is our identity, from all points of view, this openness to those who seek us out, who do not come to take anything from us", said Rui Valério in an interview with Lusa, after a year in office.

Portugal needs more immigration to improve economy and living standards, study reveals

The Office of Economic, Business and Public Policy Studies (G3E2P) of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP) presented the third and final chapter of the publication “Economy & Business”, which analyses demographic trends in European Union countries between 1999 and 2022.

The study reveals that emigration in the EU, since the beginning of the millennium, has been predominantly composed of immigrants who, initially attracted by better living conditions, end up leaving in search of new economic opportunities in other countries.

CAP and the Tourism Confederation told Chega that only immigrants can solve the labor shortage

With the proposal for a referendum on immigration on the table, Chega insisted this Monday and Tuesday on the need to create quotas for immigrants during the Parliamentary Conferences in Castelo Branco. This idea was widely opposed by the secretary-general of the Confederation of Farmers of Portugal (CAP), Luís Mira, and the president of the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal (CTP), Francisco Calheiros, two of the speakers on the panels on the Portuguese economy and the rural world, who warned of the lack of labor in both sectors and the losses to the economy.

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